Sunday, July 15, 2012

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By far my favorite picture. The Old Washoe Club was the place to go back in the day. The top floor has a ballroom with a dance floor on springs. 
A few murders happened here. Most over gambling debts and naturally women. It's a creepy place. Durning the winter months the ground was so hard, 
they would store the bodies in the cold storage along with food.
When you use the rest room in the back, I swear you can just feel someone watching you from the stairs that go upstairs.

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Cool shit. At night the wind will blow though the town and you get goose bumps. I feel like I'm back in time.

Most of the buildings in VC are still from the mid 1800's. I find the arched brick romantic. Just amazing looking around.

I got to play my banjo here last summer. What an experience! It's cool when you think of the old miner bands that played here before me. Very humbling.

You should see the Donkey show on this bad boy. ;)

It's all about horse power in Virginia City, Nevada.

Virginia City was known for its silver mines. But you can still pan for gold.

100 mile view in Virginia City, Nevada

Sporty like mine up in Virginia City, NV. Cool stuff.

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